My son has braces! How will they straighten his teeth?
Tooth Movement Specifics
While I was putting on my sons braces, I had a moment where I contemplated the mysteries of tooth movement. While most people think that braces move the teeth, it’s actually the wire connected to the braces that does all of the movement. The most common first wire a patient receives is called a NiTi wire. This is short for Nickel-Titanium, which are the primary metals used to make the wire. The combination of those two metals creates a material that is extremely flexible. I can bend the wire into a ball in my hand, and it will return to its original shape when released. They can also be manufactured with different properties that cause them to harden or soften depending on the temperature. These properties allow for light pressures to push and pull teeth into place slowly, which makes the orthodontic treatment more comfortable than it was in the past. Check out the video for more information, and message us if you have any questions.